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The Ranson of Red Chief and Stories / Викуп за вождя Червоношкірих та інші оповідання (English Library)
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The Ranson of Red Chief and Stories / Викуп за вождя Червоношкірих та інші оповідання (English Library)

The proposed collection of literary works by O. Henry (William Sidney Porter, 1862—1910), besides the story "The Ransom of Red Chief", includes such masterpieces of his creative heritage as "The Indian Summer of Dry Valley Johnson" "A Blackjack Bargainer" "A Retrieved Reformation" and others. Many of them were screened more than once. Behind the alternation of adventures and situations, humor, irony or sarcasm, there expressively arise the author's reflections on human being, their aspirations for love, kindness, and happiness. The author's inexhaustible creative imagination strikes the reader. As a rule, his stories have a sudden ending. They enrapture and move, and what is most important, they always bear optimism and give hope.

Безкоштовно доставляємо замовлення:
від 300 грн - "УкрПошта"
від 500 грн - "Нова Пошта"

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The proposed collection of literary works by O. Henry (William Sidney Porter, 1862—1910), besides the story "The Ransom of Red Chief", includes such masterpieces of his creative heritage as "The Indian Summer of Dry Valley Johnson" "A Blackjack Bargainer" "A Retrieved Reformation" and others. Many of them were screened more than once. Behind the alternation of adventures and situations, humor, irony or sarcasm, there expressively arise the author's reflections on human being, their aspirations for love, kindness, and happiness. The author's inexhaustible creative imagination strikes the reader. As a rule, his stories have a sudden ending. They enrapture and move, and what is most important, they always bear optimism and give hope.

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