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The Merchant of Venice = Венеційський купець (English Library)
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The Merchant of Venice = Венеційський купець (English Library)

"The Merchant of Venice" is among the most famous comedies of the brilliant English poet and playwright William Shakespeare (1564—1616). Two plotlines interweave within — a story of a romantic courtship and a conflict on the verge of tragedy, driven by lust for vengeance. Through the lighthearted form of comedy, the author recreates the complicated essence of human relations and how capricious one's superiority could be, for everything is often based on mere chance. Yet youth, love, and feminine insights and shrewdness are capable of handling every situation.

Безкоштовно доставляємо замовлення:
від 300 грн - "УкрПошта"
від 500 грн - "Нова Пошта"

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"The Merchant of Venice" is among the most famous comedies of the brilliant English poet and playwright William Shakespeare (1564—1616). Two plotlines interweave within — a story of a romantic courtship and a conflict on the verge of tragedy, driven by lust for vengeance. Through the lighthearted form of comedy, the author recreates the complicated essence of human relations and how capricious one's superiority could be, for everything is often based on mere chance. Yet youth, love, and feminine insights and shrewdness are capable of handling every situation.

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