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To the lighthouse / До маяка. (English Library) Woolf V.

"To the Lighthouse" is one of the best-known novels by the British writer, a brilliant representative of modernistic prose Virginia Woolf (1882—1941). This work is to some degree autobiographical. The writer copied the main heroes — Mr and Mrs Ramsay — from her parents. That's just they who represent in ...

Love of life (American Library) Лоуренс Д.Г.

Jack London (1876—1916) — a writer whose works are enthusiastically read all over the world. His collection "Love of Life" is one of the brilliant pearls of his Northern stories cycle. Alaska is the place where each person should reveal their own real features. The North makes equal the poor ...

The Prince and the Pauper / Принц і злидар (American Library) Twain M.

"The Prince and the Pauper" is the first and best-known novel by Mark Twain (1835—1910). The heroes of the book — an English prince and a pauper boy — exchange their roles and, to their delight, adjust themselves to new life circumstances, though not only pleasant moments fall on their ...

The Railway Children (English Library) Nesbit E.

Young heroes of the novel by Edith Nesbit (1858— 1924) "The Railway Children" have to move from their comfortable house in London to live in a small rural estate. There are no servants with them already, their mother is constantly at her work, so little ones, apart from their home ...

Just David / Просто Давид.. (American Library) Porter E.H.

"Just David" is one more novel by a world-famous American writer Eleanor H. Porter (1868—1920), the author of the best-seller about Pollyanna. Unlike "Pol-lyanna" a charming tale about the girl, "Just David" is not less moving and interesting story about the unusual boy with crystal-clear soul, who so splendidly masters ...

Sense and Sensibility / Чуття і чуттєвість (English Library) Austen J.

The realist character of the portrayed images and th unsurpassed reproduction of the atmosphere of ol( England became the visiting card of the British write Jane Austen (1775—1817). Her work "Sense and Sensibi lity" is the histories of love of two Dashwood sisters: o reasonable Elinor who always takes into ...

Smoke Bellew / Смок Беллю. (American Library) London J.

The heroes of Jack London's (1876—1916) books are always courageous, enduring, and tireless searchers of happiness. Young, vigorous Christopher Bellew, to his uncle's opinion, wastes his life among San Francisco Bohemians. But through the youth's veins there flows the blood of his grandfather, a staunch subjugator of the Wild West. ...

Справа багатої жінки. Вісім оповідань: книга для читання англійською

Цей посібник пропонує вісім оповідань Агати Крісті, які об'єднані в два цикли -оповідання про всесвітньо відомого детектива Еркюля Пуаро та про незрівнянного "лікаря людських душ" Паркера Пайна. Текст оповідань рекомендується для рівня Intermediate. Ця книга продовжує серію посібників для домашнього читання ("Театр" У. С. Моема та "Анна з Грін Гейблз" ...

The Great Gatsby / Великий Гетсбі (American Library) Фицжеральд Ф.С.

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (1896—1940) is one of the greatest American writers, a member of the "Lost Generation" of the 1920s. The Great Gatsby (1925) is his most celebrated and exemplary novel of the "Jazz Age", a term he coined himself. The author, in an extraordinarily masterly manner, described the ...

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