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Hearts of three = Серця трьох. (American Library) London J.

"Hearts of Three" by a well-known American writer Jack London (1876—1916) is a model of an adventure novel. Its plot is based on the adventures of a young New York millionaire, Francis Morgan, his friend and distant relative Henry and charming Leoncia — all of them are united by the ...

I Say No (Я кажу - ні) (Folіo World’s Classіcs)

Вілкі Коллінз (1824—1889) — англійський письменник і драматург, один із засновників детективного жанру. «Я кажу — ні» — це типовий англійський вікторіанський роман. У цьому романі є все — кохання і пригоди, інтрига і детектив. Яскраві персонажі, захопливий опис почуттів героїв, побуту та звичаїв старовинної Англії.

Jeremy Fisher.

Хто такий Джеремі Фішер? Що сталося з хорошими і поганими кроликами? Як порозумілися ляльки й миші? Вільно читай казкові пригоди — і ти станеш стильним знавцем англійської мови. Читанка містить казки Беатрікс Поттер «Сердитий поганий кролик», «Казка про двох поганих мишей», «Джеремі Фішер». Для молодшого шкільного віку.

Just David / Просто Давид.. (American Library) Porter E.H.

"Just David" is one more novel by a world-famous American writer Eleanor H. Porter (1868—1920), the author of the best-seller about Pollyanna. Unlike "Pol-lyanna" a charming tale about the girl, "Just David" is not less moving and interesting story about the unusual boy with crystal-clear soul, who so splendidly masters ...

Kazan / Казан Curwood J.O.

It is one of the best-known novels by the American prose writer and conservationist James Oliver Curwood (1878—1927) which belongs to the gold fund of adventure literature and continues the best traditions of Jack London's works. Because of his origin, a quarter of a wolf and three quarters of a ...

Kim / Кім Kipling R.

"Kim" by Rudyard Kipling (1865—1936) is one of the first spy novels in the world literature which is entered on the gold reserves of the classics for teenagers. The history of a boy who has sharp wit, likes to be in the epicentre of events and is quickly growing up ...

King Solomons Mines / Соломонові копальні (English Library) Fitzgerald F.Scott

In the heart of each child, at least once in their lifetime, there arose a dream about great treasures, the more such incalculable as those of the wise King Solomon's Mines. An English writer H. Rider Haggard (1856—1925) must have been such a dreamer. His book "King Solomon's Mines" is ...

Little Women. Part 1 (Маленькі жінки. Ч.1) (Folіo World’s Classіcs)

«Little Women», is a novel by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832—1888). First part of the story follows the lives of the four March sisters — Margaret, Jo, Beth, and Amy — who were born in a not so rich family. The girls had to teach themselves to fight their ...

Little Women. Part 2 (Маленькі жінки. Ч.2) (Folіo World’s Classіcs)

Second part of «Little Women* by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832—1888) continues the story of the lives of the four March sisters — Margaret, Jo, Beth, and Amy. The novel is known to somewhat represent childhood memories of the ...

Love of life (American Library) Лоуренс Д.Г.

Jack London (1876—1916) — a writer whose works are enthusiastically read all over the world. His collection "Love of Life" is one of the brilliant pearls of his Northern stories cycle. Alaska is the place where each person should reveal their own real features. The North makes equal the poor ...

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