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Література із розділу Foreign Books (Зарубіжна література)

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White Fang / Біле ікло (English Library) Лондон Дж.

"White Fang" is a novel of the distinguished American writer Jack London (1876—1916) which belongs to the Northern cycle of his works. It is a story of the wolf, White Fang by name, in whose veins there runs the dog's blood. This circumstance makes his life impossible outside human society. ...

Treasure Island / Острів скарбів. Як важливо бути серйозним. (English Library) Стівенсен Р.Л.

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850—1894) was the great master of English prose of Scottish origin, the representative of neoromanticism, the novel "Treasure Island" being the pearl of his creative work. The author in a masterly manner demonstrates that the jeopardies of the desert island, the vile tricks of covetous pirates and ...

To the lighthouse / До маяка. (English Library) Woolf V.

"To the Lighthouse" is one of the best-known novels by the British writer, a brilliant representative of modernistic prose Virginia Woolf (1882—1941). This work is to some degree autobiographical. The writer copied the main heroes — Mr and Mrs Ramsay — from her parents. That's just they who represent in ...

This side of paradise = По цей бік раю Фіцджеральд Ф.С.

"This Side of Paradise" is the first great literary work created by the American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896—1940) which immediately brought him universal acknowledgement. An enchanting youth, full of radiant dreams and hopes for the dazzling prospects at the beginning of the novel, having lost his friends in the ...

The star-child and other tales / Хлопчик-зірка та інші казки (English Library) (мг) Уайльд О.

The book includes fairytales written by Oscar Wilde (1854—1900) which introduce the reader to the fairyland where everything is fable and everything is truth. The writer applies to the eternal values — love, friendship, sacrifice for the sake of the neighbour's happiness, people's feelings and relations. Thanks to the fairy-tale ...

The Speckled Band and Other Stories / Пригоди Шерлока Холмса. Пістрява стрічката інші історії (English Library) Arthur Conan Doyle

The proposed book is a collection of engrossing stories by the classic of the English literature Arthur Conan Doyle (1859—1930) about the worldwide famous detective Sherlock Holmes. It is the recital about a person who sees and hears the same things as the others do, but he notices much more, ...

The Rich Boy and Other Stories / Багатий хлопець та інші історії. (English Library) Fitzgerald F.Scott

In the proposed collection, the best novellas by the well-known American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896—1940) from such author’s collections as “Flappers and Philosophers”, “Tales of the Jazz Age”, “All the Sad Young Men” and “Taps at Reveille” are presented. The fate of the heroes of these works turns out ...

The red badge of courage = Червоний знак звитяги (American Library) Crane S.

Stephen Crane (1871—1900) — a classic of American literature, one of the writers who at the end of the 19th century determined the ways of its further development. Having lived only 28 years he left brilliant and original creative heritage. "The Red Badge of Courage" (1895) is one of the ...

The Ranson of Red Chief and Stories / Викуп за вождя Червоношкірих та інші оповідання (English Library) Henry O.

The proposed collection of literary works by O. Henry (William Sidney Porter, 1862—1910), besides the story "The Ransom of Red Chief", includes such masterpieces of his creative heritage as "The Indian Summer of Dry Valley Johnson" "A Blackjack Bargainer" "A Retrieved Reformation" and others. Many of them were screened more ...

The Railway Children (English Library) Nesbit E.

Young heroes of the novel by Edith Nesbit (1858— 1924) "The Railway Children" have to move from their comfortable house in London to live in a small rural estate. There are no servants with them already, their mother is constantly at her work, so little ones, apart from their home ...

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