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King Solomons Mines / Соломонові копальні (English Library) Fitzgerald F.Scott

In the heart of each child, at least once in their lifetime, there arose a dream about great treasures, the more such incalculable as those of the wise King Solomon's Mines. An English writer H. Rider Haggard (1856—1925) must have been such a dreamer. His book "King Solomon's Mines" is ...

Daddy-Long-Legs / Довгоногий дядечко (English Library) Webster J.

A moving and filled with humor novel "Daddy-Long-Legs" by the American writer Jean Webster (1876—1916) is a story of an orphaned girl told in the letters to her guardian whom she had never seen before. He sent her for studying at a college on condition that every month she would ...

The innocence of father Brown / Смиренність отця Брауна (English Library) (мг) Стівенсен Р.Л.

"The Innocence of Father Brown" is a collection of stories by one of the most brilliant English writers of the beginning of the 20th century Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874—1936). The stories about Father Brown take the place of honour in the crime fiction and have won longstanding love of the ...

Heart of Darkness / Серце темряви (English Library) Конрад Дж.

"Heart of Darkness" is one of the most recognized and profound works by the outstanding English writer, Polish emigrant born in Ukraine, Joseph Conrad (1857—1924). From the pages of the novel, before the reader's eyes there arrives the sailor's, steamboat captain's narration about the journey to the banks of the ...

The Great Gatsby / Великий Гетсбі (English Library) Фицжеральд Ф.С.

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (1896—1940) is one of the greatest American writers, a member of the "Lost Generation" of the 1920s. The Great Gatsby (1925) is his most celebrated and exemplary novel of the "Jazz Age", a term he coined himself. The author, in an extraordinarily masterly manner, described the ...

Казочка патера Брауна / The Fairy Tale of Father Brown (Вид. з парал. текстом) Chesterton G.K.

Гілберт Кіт Честертон (1874—1936) — англійський християнський мислитель, журналіст і письменник кінця XIX — початку XX століття. Лицар-командор із зіркою ватиканського ордену Святого Григорія Великого. Усього Честертон написав близько 80 книжок, серед яких кілька сотень віршів, 200 оповідань, 4000 есе'ш, п'єси та романи. Зажив слави як автор циклу детективних новел, ...

Маленький принц = Le Petit Prince (Вид. з парал. текстом) (мг) Сент-Екзюпері А.

Твори відомого французького письменника, поета, професійного льотчика Антуана де Сент-Екзюпері (1900—1944) раз у раз привертають увагу сучасного читача, бо сповнені майже містичного перегуку з нашим днем: вони пояснюють, звідки ми вийшли й куди прийшли. У своїй творчості письменник спромігся порушити такі питання, що сьогодні набули абсолютної значущості: прогрес і його ...

Peter Pan (Пітер Пен) (Folіo World’s Classіcs) Barrie J.M.

The story of the Scottish writer James Matthew Barry (1860—1937) «Peter Pan» is a fairy tale about the world of childhood. Peter Pan, the protagonist of the work, does not want to grow up and lives in the wonderful country of Neverland with lost children. He has his own fairy ...

The Railway Children (English Library) Nesbit E.

Young heroes of the novel by Edith Nesbit (1858— 1924) "The Railway Children" have to move from their comfortable house in London to live in a small rural estate. There are no servants with them already, their mother is constantly at her work, so little ones, apart from their home ...

The Prince and the Pauper / Принц і злидар (American Library) Twain M.

"The Prince and the Pauper" is the first and best-known novel by Mark Twain (1835—1910). The heroes of the book — an English prince and a pauper boy — exchange their roles and, to their delight, adjust themselves to new life circumstances, though not only pleasant moments fall on their ...

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