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Little Women. Part 1 (Маленькі жінки. Ч.1) (Folіo World’s Classіcs)

«Little Women», is a novel by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832—1888). First part of the story follows the lives of the four March sisters — Margaret, Jo, Beth, and Amy — who were born in a not so rich family. The girls had to teach themselves to fight their ...

The Merchant of Venice = Венеційський купець (English Library) Shakespeare W.

"The Merchant of Venice" is among the most famous comedies of the brilliant English poet and playwright William Shakespeare (1564—1616). Two plotlines interweave within — a story of a romantic courtship and a conflict on the verge of tragedy, driven by lust for vengeance. Through the lighthearted form of comedy, ...

The Battle of Life; The Haunted Man and the Ghost‘s Bagrain = Битва життя; Одержимий та угода з привидом (English Library) Dickens Charles

The Christmas tales by Charles Dickens (1812— 1870) remind people about high moral truths and real human values. The main heroes of this book come, by their own way, to understanding the importance of charity, friendship, mutual assistance, family comfort — the things without which it is impossible to build ...

Аліса в Дивокраї = Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, (Вид. з парал. текстом) Керролл Л.

Льюїс Керролл — псевдонім блискучого оксфордського математика, логіка, письменника і фотографа Чарлза Лутвіджа Доджсона (1832—1898). Всесвітню відомість автору принесли фантасмагорійні твори «Аліса в Дивокраї», «Аліса в Задзеркаллі», «Полювання на Снарка». У 1865 році він опублікував історію маленької дівчинки Аліси, яка провалилася у кролячу нору і відкрила зовсім інший світ — ...

The chimes. The cricket on the hearth / Новорічні дзвони. Цвіркун домашнього вогнища (English Library) Charles Dickens

"The Chimes" and "The Cricket on the Hearth" by Charles Dickens (1812—1870) belong to his well-known cycle "Christmas Stories". The events of the first one develop on the New Year's Eve when the casual messenger Toby after his talk with the alderman begins to believe that all the poor people ...

Treasure Island / Острів скарбів. Як важливо бути серйозним. (English Library) Стівенсен Р.Л.

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850—1894) was the great master of English prose of Scottish origin, the representative of neoromanticism, the novel "Treasure Island" being the pearl of his creative work. The author in a masterly manner demonstrates that the jeopardies of the desert island, the vile tricks of covetous pirates and ...

The Offshore Pirate and Other Stories=Пірат несходжених морів та інші історії. (American Library) Фіцджеральд Ф.С.

The stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896—1940) which are included into the collection are filled with adventures and romanticism. They display the integrated picture of the American society's life in the Jazz Age which reveled in prosperity, squandered money and cherished the ambitious hopes. The writer's heroes scoop from the ...

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. The Musgrave Ritual and Other Stories = Спогади про Шерлока Холмса: Обряд родини Масгрейвів та інші. (English Library) Arthur Conan Doyle

Among the cases which Sherlock Holmes investigates in this collection are not only those ones in which the peccable nature of the criminals and human weak points are being revealed ("Silver Blaze", "The Cardboard Box", "The Stockbroker's Clerk", "The Gloria Scotf), but also the cases in which the solutions of ...

Kazan / Казан Curwood J.O.

It is one of the best-known novels by the American prose writer and conservationist James Oliver Curwood (1878—1927) which belongs to the gold fund of adventure literature and continues the best traditions of Jack London's works. Because of his origin, a quarter of a wolf and three quarters of a ...

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